Friday, January 14, 2005

Florida Nut Is Psych Victim

Floridian Steven Ekberg allegedly picked up a vial and told an anonymous FBI source that "If I put this on your food, this would kill you immediately." He then picked up another vial and said, "This one would make you really sick." A third vial would "kill you, but not right away."

The poison that worried authorities the most was the deadly biotoxin ricin found in Ekberg's home. That plus the AK-47 and the Uzi machine guns were enough to move the FBI to arrest him.

How did Ekberg get like this?

According to his mother, "...he has been treated for depression." So Mr. Ekberg is another testimonial to the wonderful therapeutic results from today's psychiatric/psychological system -- which produces a remarkable number of nuts. We will be watching for evidence that Ekberg was put on Prozac or some other psychosis-producing psychiatric drug. We expect to find that he was.

Remember, most people who go crazy and start killing themselves and others do it after they go to the psychiatrists and start taking psychiatric drugs -- not before. In this case society was too slow to help him before the psychs got to him. But thankfully, maybe he was arrested before he could dramatize his psych-osis (hyphen intended) by killing others.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Landmark Decision - Stop Doing Electroshock

A Santa Barbara court has issued a landmark decision; telling the Santa Barbara College Hospital and resident psychiatrist Joseph Johnson to stop using electroshock therapy!

In the case, the plaintiff lost most of his memory. From the article: "Atze Akkerman was a devoted husband, father and professional musician who after receiving electroshock (shock treatment) could no longer remember his wife of 20 years, his children, or how to play music. In the five years since receiving the brutal treatment, his memory has not returned."

Akkerman said, "I know I'm not the only one." He's right about that. Electroshock therapy is famous for erasing huge chunks of memory, sometimes never to return.

Akkerman and his wife filed suit against the hospital and psych Johnson, who performed the shock, claiming they were negligent and had deceived Mr. Akkerman by withholding from him the dangers of the treatment and misrepresenting that it was "safe and effective."

In the trial, Johnson admitted nobody knows how electroshock therapy works.

Akkerman's attorney, Kendrick Moxon, said, "Psychiatrists pretend shock treatment is no longer like the violent bone breaking practice of the past, as portrayed in enduring images of "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest." They are lying. There is no difference in what happens to the brain during shock treatment in 1954 or 2004. The violence exerted on the brain is exactly the same."

I guess the psychs will have to fall back to their old standby remedy; prescription of Prozac or other psychotropic drugs. These leave much of the memory intact and although they make many people suicidal and homicidal, they do it much more quietly.

Actually that wouldn't be a good idea either, would it?

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Petition: Get Prozac Off The Market

This is a petition on line demanding full investigation of Eli Lilly and their coverup of the side effects of Prozac.

Go to this site, and sign the petition:

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Chemical Straitjacket

I'd like to write it my own way, but I can't beat the intro paragraph from an article in the San Diego Union-Tribune:

"Soon after taking over as chief psychiatrist at San Diego County's Juvenile Hall in 2000, Dr. Marjorie Shuer said she discovered many of the children were being given such heavy doses of psychotropic drugs that they couldn't function in school and didn't want to leave their cells.
Shuer reported the problem to her superiors at the County Department of Health and Human Services. A few months later she was fired."

Shuer didn't stop there. She took the department to court for wrongful termination.

More from the Union-Tribune, "When she tried to persuade her bosses to overhaul policies governing the use of drugs, the lawsuit said, she was told to "buy into the current system" and "turn a blind eye" to the conduct. "

What Ms. Shuer discovered is that today's psychiatric environment is a hotbed for knocking people out with heavy psychotropic drugs and calling it "therapy" when in fact it is simply the application of a chemical straitjacket. If you give a guy enough of these drugs he is no trouble at all. He will no longer argue with you and question what you say. In fact he will no longer care about anything at all. In fact he will no longer think. In fact if you give him enough, he will die.

The article tentatively offers a cautious silver lining with intimations from managers of the department that say things have changed since the Shuer incident. But in the opinion of this writer, those statements are probably PR, but not fact. As long as facilities like this are being run by people who think that sanity vs. insanity is controlled by "brain chemicals" (which has never been proven and coincidentally isn't true) we will have people forcing kids to take Ritalin or Prozac or other psycho drugs that make people crazy, in the name of "therapy". This kind of stuff gives "therapy" a bad name. Don't you already recoil a bit when you find out somebody has been in "therapy"? You immediately begin to wonder whether this guy has been handled in such a way he has now become a killer or a suicide risk, or at least some kind of basket case that can't manage his own life.

It's not hard to imagine the gestapo-style police coming to your home with their dark glasses on, announcing that you have been ordered to "therapy". That happened in Russia, over and over, for 50 years. It was their way of handling political dissidents. Their version of "therapy" was not dissimilar to the kind that Ms. Shuer found in the San Diego County Juvenile Hall.